here how to mod the SVR 2009 PSP savedata icon you see on your PSP menu.
in svr 2009 inside menu.pac (menu folder) search for SAVE.pac .
inside uncompress 00.bpe .here a 00.pac that has icon about
savedata of the game .
the 00.pag has icon in png format (no GIM) ,with HEX editor
save file in 00.png ,now you can mod the icon with your graphic tool.
then save again 00.png in 00.pac with hex editor .
see bites between your modded icon (00.pac) and 00.bpe.
it must be less than bpe ,put loosing bites with hex editor and when
00.pac has same size of 00.bpe inject it again in SAVE.pac
now your SAVE.pac will be bigger than original..cut end bites (00) until size will be same as
rebuild menu.pac with your new SAVE.pac inside and on your psp you'll see your modded savedata icon.
how to open dat files in PRELOAD and extract pac inside it .
(if you haven't, loook at TOOLS)
1- open preload.pac with XPERT (dpac plugin)
2-you have a folder named preload with inside a folder name PREP
3-inside PREP you see a lot of svr 2009 psp and maybe in other versions,
these files are DAT..
4-IMPORTANT: make a copy of the dat file you choose.will help you to rebuild at the end!
5-open dat with hex editor and you see something like this..
6-now remove initial part until you see PAC
7-turn down until you find another PAC and cut as in the picture
8-now COPY the file from first PAC to the line as in picture at point 7 and put it in a new file named as you want.. for exemple : one.pac
NOW you can open one.pac with xpacker and if you find textures you can mod.
every dat file can be open pac to pac ,one piece at the time.
at the end remember to put again initial part removed ,as i said in point 6 ,copying it from the dat file copy you
have done before.
this way you can discover what stand inside dat files in preload AND to mod textures.
the hardest part is to put again in SAME PLACE the pac or more pacs you have extracted before to rebuild entire dat file. i think it's not for need have practice and so much patience and attemption.
loading background pictures in my NJPW PATCH has been done like this..
how to add bytes with hex editor
to change show nameplates:
open EVT folder inside main PAC folder; then open _EvtGd pac file. now you see 2 folders, open ETEX folder.
stands a lot of files svr 2009 first 18 files start to 0000 to
0018 ..these are about arenas ..(0000=smack, 0001=raw,etc).
open these files you have some bpe files ..textures about show nameplates stand in 00.bpe
this a easy way how to do textures modding in svr2009 PSP
without touching the ARC FILE...
when you edit the textures ,you must get smaller some images before to convert the PNG's
on GIM's ..when you create the new texture archive using XPACKER this must be less than the original bpe file!...
when you edit the textures of course at the end of the work your new archve in pac will
be more great than compressed bpe..for this reason you have to reduce the weight of some images.
exemple :if original C8 bpe is 3000
and your new archive c8 pac is 8000 if you inject it in the game it will crash..if you don't change arc file for new file dimension.
another exemple: if your archive is 2700 you're all right!...the only easy thing to do is to put loosing bites with the ex editor:
300 is the bites to put on your archive with hex editor.
doin' this way you have no need to touch ARC file and your pac with textures will work.
important thing: on PSP you have to edit textures in PNG 8 bites indexed color!
you can use graphic editors as photoshop or paint net.
for my mods i used paint net and it 's very good
that's a tutorial about using EXPERT v2 tool by gnie in modding PSP..
first of all you need of course the tool and the 3 plugins about SVR for Dpac ,pac and yaf files.
you find in the link of my index tutorial for svr 2009 psp.
with EXPERT you can open your psp ISO using the psp/ps2 plugin that you find in the tool ..first open LBA ,first bottom at left, and then open the iso clicking second bottom at left.
wait some minutes and XPERT will give you on your pc the opened iso: a folder with all about the game.
now you must choose the plug about your kind of job..if you wanna mod a texture arena ,choose the
Dpac SVR plugin and clicking second bottom at right search inside the folder of opened iso the bg.pac..
now as you done for iso, first open LBA and then open bg.pac
eXPERT will open the bg directory pac and you'll find folders and single pac files..
at this point the rest of work (uncompress bpe inside pac files) i used XPACKER and of course other tools for graphic work, converting png to gim,etc.
after the end of the work and i have a modded new texture pac i take again EXPERT for rebuilding
bg.pac !
i insert manually the file i done (for exemple if i mod smack arena: file 0000.pac) inside the @BG.folder created by expert when it opened bg.pac ,replacing the original 0000.pac.
now i click on EXPERT the third bottom at left for rebuilding LBA and then the close bottom for rebuilding bg.pac
now i have a new file called NEW-BG.pac it's the file with my 0000.pac modded.
manually i delete ol'bg.pac (the original) and i rename NEW-BG.pac as bg.pac
without touching the text files about rebuilding you see there ,it will be delete by the system,
i pull again ISO plugin in EXPERT ..i search in second bottom at right the ISO icon (it must be on your desktop) i click on it and using the usual bottoms first i rebuild LBA and then i rebuild ISO.
7/8 minutes and EXPERT will give a new ISO with your mods.
that's the way i use EXPERT for open iso Dpac,pac or yaf files and for rebuild all .
all job in my NJPW iso on svr 2009 has been done like this.
first times could be hard to learn..but then it will be more easy and fast
for making titantrons there are many ways ..that's how i do:
i make my titantrons on smack vs raw psp using these softwares:
MAGIX (or similar program),UMD STREAM COMPOSER,PMF CREATOR and a little help of a HEX EDITOR.
this how i do:
i create a video clip ,using MAGIX, about 15 or 20 max seconds.
i save it in AVI format along these options:
SIZE :128x128
CODED :cinepack by radius.
then i put the AVI in UMD STREAM COMPOSER and i convert
in MPS
last step: i put the file MPS in PMF CREATOR and i converted the clip in
PMF format, ready for psp.
before to put my titantron on the ISO i watch his bytes..and using a hEX EDITOR
i put the missing bytes ; my titan must have same bytes of the original i wanna replaced..for this reason i did the clip only 15/20 seconds..
i don't know if a replaced pmf more long (in bytes) of the original could work right in the game..i think could create a
i prefere to have a replaced titan with same bytes of the i did also for
replacing entrance themes of wrestlers.
NOTE:if you wanna see which pmf to replace ,you can use AT3 CONVERTER ..putting the pmf files extract from the game in MUSIC folder of your psp you can see it playing it as audio files you'll see the clip and you'll read the name of the pmf .
i have found where stand textures about the show nameplates that appear when wrestlers come in in the arena..
these textures can be easy modded .
i found it in SVR 2009 PSP but i suppose name of the folders could be the same or similar for other SVR versions.
open EVT folder inside main PAC folder; then open _EvtGd pac file. now you see 2 folders, open ETEX folder.
here stands a lot of files svr 2009 first 18 files start to 0000 to 0018 ..these are about arenas ..(0000=smack, 0001=raw,etc).
open these files you have some bpe files ..textures about show nameplates stand in 00.bpe
today i tried to mod some of it as the same way i modded arena textures and my show nameplates works fine ! there are also other textures inside 0000,0001,etc. as the WWE logo that blink in the loading arena (this logo is in 0A.bpe).
if you wanna mod textures in loading pages pre-match in Svr 2009 PSP (pages where appear wrestlers pictures and stats)
search file LA00 inside load.pac file, you find inside PAC folder/MENU folder,
you can change wwe logo and bg texture if you know how to mod trasparent png.
file LA00 is for english..file from LA01 to LA05 are the same but in other languages..i modded file LA02 because is the italian version. maybe these files are only in PAL european version..if you use english the right file is LA00.
if you wanna replace wrestler pictures (37 by random) it's a little bit have to find (inside PRELOAD.pac file ) dat files from S000 to S037.
for to open these dat files with xpacker you must wipe out early parts of the code 'til you see PAC. after all the work you must put again the part you have wiped out of course.modding these textures files is really critic..cause you have to reassembled well entire file or game will crash..i done it in my NJPW modded version of Svr 2009 PSP but i spent a lot of hours of hard work..but at last i have changed ALL 37 wwe wrestlers pictures with NJPW wrestlers .
in Svr 2009 psp open PAC folder and then inside open menu open match.pac file.
inside it you find the files where stand arena selection screen pics .open it with x-packer and then decompress 59.bpe here you'll find the for background one for nameplate.
these pics are those you see when you choose the arena to use for the match..where you can choose also rules of the match and yes or not for wrestlers entrance.
these textures can be easy modded as for arena textures .
i think you can find it also in svr PSP 2010/11 in the same way
you can find textures about loading special matchs (rumble,ladder,steel,etc)
inside load.pac (on menu folder)
the files about it are in the pac files with letter T..
(T019 to T069)
on SvR 2009 there are same textures with same name also in preload.pac
the files have dat extension and don't work in the game!..the REAL working special matchs loading textures are those in load.pac! you must work only with these files.
i think guys at THQ love to create clones..
these files are in two diffrent places but like i said work only those in load.pac..
loading textures of normal matchs are viceversa..
they are also in load.pac and preload.pac but the working files are those in preload.
normal match loading textures are working in preload pac in dat files with letter S
special match loading textures are working in load pac in pac files with letter T
this in Svr PSP 2009..i don't know in other versions..
if you wanna get fun modding ECW referee in SVR2009 PSP you can see these textures inside ch2.pac file. in ch FOLDER.
open ch2 pac file and search inside EMD2
9700, 9701.9702 and 9706 pac files.
inside it you find 2 bpe files : 02 and 09
uncompress with xpacker the 09.bpe ; here stand ECW referee textures.
maybe the files number (9700, 9701.9702 and 9706) can be the same for other
SvR psp editions.
referee (black and white strips tshirt)
is on: 9400,9401,9402 and 9406 in CH2.
referee (blue tshirt black strips) is on:
9500,9501,9502 and 9506 in CH2.
ring annuncers textures:
male (jr): BB00,BB01,BB02,BB06 in CH3.pac
male (tc) :BC00,BC01,BC02,BC06 in CH3.pac
female (lg): BD00,BD01,BD02,BD06 in CH3.pac
that's my way to create/replace music in wrestler's entrance in SvR 2009 PSP
i use
AT3 CONVERTER (to listen and choose how song to replace)
first you have to find the music you need on mp3 or wave.
then i use AUDACITY for to modify the song around 1 minute or
a little bit more.
i save it in WAVE format using audacity (you can clean or restore poor sound using the effects on it) and i put the wave in EXACT AUDIO COPY PSP EDITION.
the file i have now is in TOC ; i rename the file in AT3.
someone use GOLDWAVE for a complicated
conversion ,but it's more simple as i do and it works!
file converted from wave to TOC by EXACT AUDIO COPY and then renamed AT3 will have no problem to play
now my AT3 file must be a little bit short than original song i wanna replace in the game.
i put loosing bytes with HxD HEX EDITOR.
original file and my AT3 file must have SAME size.
for this reason at the beginning i cut the song around 1 minute almost.
another way is to work creating entrance for your caw for to obtain a final entrance right in time with the music .if music end/restart before the final of the entrace ,try others enter scenes until you find one right in time with music.
using EXPERT with SvR psp plugin for YAF i open music1.yaf file from ISO of the game.
music1.yaf is inside SOUND folder.
here stand all the versions of wrestlers music..normally 3 version for every tune..
2 shorts one's better choose the long if you wanna replace a superstar music or to choose free music tunes you find on it for to use in a caw you have created.
fot listening the tunes i use AT3 converter on my i can know what i'm gonna replace.
i rename my at3 as that i wanna change i replace it and then i rebuild music1.yaf with EXPERT.
now the most important and (maybe) hard part:
manually i enter in SOUND , i delete out the music1@ folder CREATED BY expert ,i delete old music1.yaf and i rename the new file (with my music created by expert)called NEW-MUSIC1 ,as the original: music1.yaf
attemption: change NEW-MUSIC1.file (in big letters)to music1.yaf ..ok?
now music1.yaf have inside your music theme.
rebuild your iso and if you have done it all good you will hear your music when your wrestler enters in arena.
same method you can use for modding tunes you hear in the menu's game.
the file in this case is music2.yaf
you have modded a belt and you wanna rename as text ,or you wanna only rename ,
open string.pac and inside , the SDB_folder
here you find a lot of pac files with 4 serial numbers.
using the HEX EDITOR search where stand texts united states championship (and similar)and replace it with all american championship (be carefull to respect the original number of bytes).
playing the game you will see the text all american champ
SAME WAY YOU CAN CUSTOMIZED ALL THE TEXTS about name of tournements,etc.
search with patience 'cause there are many files..
on european pal version there are files in english and other languages ; maybe
in USA version only in english.
use with much attemption the hex editor..write your changes in TEXT-STRING ROWS and be carefull to stay in bites numbers..if you have a text more short put missing bites .
REMEMBER TO DO A COPY OF THE ORIGINAL FILE!!! ..if you do somethin'wrong...