
mercoledì 12 settembre 2012

 NEW :rikidozan memorial show arena FOR MY SVR 2009 njpw patch

NOVITA: rikidozan memorial show areana  X SVR 2009 njpw patch
CON ARENA wrestle kingdom corretta

here the link for download
download zip

how to insert it in the game with screens about it:

1-open BG.pac and insert in _STG folder the 0016.pac over the original .
then rebuild

2- open EVT folder and EvtGd.pac and insert 0016.pac in ETEX folder over the original (this is logo plate with wrestler's name and RIKIDOZAN MEMORIAL SHOW ARENA)
then rebuild

3-open MENU folder ,open ScrLayout.pac and in SCR folder insert LSSE.pac over the original (this is screen of menu choosing arenas with RIKIDOZAN MEMORIAL SHOW ARENA logo)

4-open MENU folder and Match.pac and insert (in menu folder) M16I.pac over the original (this is screen of RIKIDOZAN MEMORIAL SHOW ARENA)
then rebuild

the pac of wrestle kingdom arena is a corrected version of this arena.
on my njpw patch vrs3 it had a bug in textures.

insert as same way as at point 1

note: before make a copy of files!
note 2: no ARC touch..anyfiles has same size of original.

sabato 14 luglio 2012

 INSERITO IN TUTORIALS (english) metodo x aprire i file pacs dentro i file dat in PRELOAD.presto traduzione anche in tutorials (italiano)

 INSERITO IN  TUTORIALS metodo x estrarre  i loghi dei nomi degli shows/wrestlers che appaiono nelle entrate.

INSERITI i downloads dei file x correggere alcuni bugs nella svr 2009 NJPW PATCH vers. 0.3 (vedi pagina apposita)

giovedì 7 giugno 2012


benvenuti nel mio blog dedicato al mod hacking su Svr2009 PSP
spero di essere utile a chi desidera iniziare questo hobby ..postate pure i vs. commenti ,domande etc.

welcome to my blog dedicated to the mod hacking on svr 2009 psp. for english language people you can search my help on OSR forum link downthere..
OLD SKOOL REUNION (OSR) for who never the best forum where to learn/discuss about hacking on SVR and not only..if you have hacking projects on PSP,PS2,XBOX WII , there you find help and friendship.  the best modders are there and are ready to share their experiences to new comers.

INSERITO il link dove scaricare le CAWS x la  mia NJPW PATCH 0.3 ,vedi pagina apposita.